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Calm & Clear

Calm & Clear

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About Calm & Clear

Life is full of ups and downs, highs and lows, celebrations and struggles. It’s impossible to feel positive all of the time – even the most upbeat, ‘zen’ people have down days, or moments when they feel overwhelmed, anxious or stressed. The key to a calmer, clearer mindset is how we manage our thoughts and emotions. Calm & Clear is packed full of insightful articles and expert advice on how to take a step back, recognise how you’re feeling, understand what’s making you feel that way, and learn how to focus on your own needs to improve your mental wellbeing. We all have different mindsets, and our emotional baggage comes in various shapes and sizes, so what works for someone else might not work for you. Explore the various methods you can try to get your sparkle back and learn how to cope with the stresses of everyday life. From addressing past demons and letting go of emotional burdens, to practising breathing exercises and embracing hobbies, equip yourself with the tools for a calmer, clearer future.

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