Photo Plus

Photo Plus

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About Photo Plus

PhotoPlus: The Canon Magazine is the biggest and best magazine for every Canon EOS DSLR photographer – and we're now bigger and better than ever! Now 148 pages, we offer more Canon tips, tests and techniques than ever before. We help you to take better photos with your Canon DSLR, through a mixture of jargon-free guides, with essential camera and photographic techniques and no-nonsense Photoshop tutorials and videos. PhotoPlus: The Canon Magazine is 100% Canon, so you can be sure the magazine is 100% relevant to your Canon EOS DSLR and your photographic needs. We're 100% independent which means we're free to publish what we feel is best for every Canon DSLR photographer from beginners to enthusiasts to professionals. We're proud to use the World’s top Canon photographers and experts – check them out in our new Canon pro interviews and Canon School technical sections. You'll receive our new Canon Skills Video Disc, packed with easy-to-follow DSLR skills, and Photoshop CC, Lightroom and Elements, and Canon DPP, video guides.

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